KOA provided Project Management services for the City of Monterey Park street rehabilitation and water system improvement projects. The roadway resurfacing construction management project included: saw cutting and excavation repairs, structural section restoration of roadway, backfill and compaction inspections, coordination of compaction testing and results, pavement evaluation and localized pavement repairs, roadway cold plane, inspections of AC. leveling course and overlay construction, p.c.c street
improvements inspections, adjustment of valve and manhole covers to grade, traffic striping and markings restoration, restoration of traffic inductive loops, traffic control procedures and inspection. The waterline construction management project included potholing existing utilities, installation of new water mains, valves, fire hydrants, residential & commercial services, tie in to existing water system, abandonment of existing waterlines, work area traffic control, trench backfill & compaction, temporary trench plating procedures, flushing and testing of waterlines, installation and maintenance of BMP’s.