Construction Management

Construction Management

Our construction professionals apply years of experience to our federal, state, and locally funded projects, including municipal agency, utility and private construction. We provide construction management and inspection services for bridges, highways, civil projects, roadways, traffic signals, ADA, ITS, trails, bikeways, utilities, transportation, rail, airports, vertical structures, and park projects. Our team consists of some of the most practical Construction Managers and Inspectors available. KOA provides our clients with up-to-the-minute information. We are sensitive to the unique needs of the communities we serve. Our construction inspectors bring years of accrued skills in teaming with contractors to keep projects on schedule and on budget.


Construction Management/Project Management
Construction Inspection

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Staff Augmentation

KOA personnel act as an extension of your staff to reduce project backlogs and help ensure thorough and timely project completion. These services can be on a temporary or a full-time basis and cover all aspects of a project from conceptual design through Notice of Completion. We have provided Staff Augmentation services to the following Cities:

Garden Grove
La Habra
Long Beach

Rancho Palos Verdes
Rancho Santa Margarita

View our Project Homekey Collateral

View our Construction Management Collateral