What We Do

Transportation Engineering

KOA has a reputation for innovation and leadership in the design and engineering of transportation systems throughout Southern California. We have demonstrated transportation engineering leadership in all aspects of our streets and highways including traffic signals, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), communications, signal timing and operations, street lighting, intersection design, highway design, parking, worksite traffic control, active transportation and complete streets, transit systems, ADA compliance, and systemic safety analysis reporting.

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Mobility Planning

KOA’s mobility planning team balances the needs of all aspects of the transportation network in every effort we undertake, applying and developing best practices in the industry. Our planners and engineers develop solutions that work as well on paper as they do once implemented, seamlessly moving plans, programs, and projects from vision to construction. Our solutions to transportation issues incorporate community input, urban design and sustainability to benefit the rapidly changing world of how we live, work, play and travel. Our goal is to benefit transportation systems that promote complete streets and safety for all ages and abilities.

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Construction Management

Our construction professionals apply years of experience to our federal, state, and locally funded projects, including municipal agency, utility and private construction. We provide construction management and inspection services for bridges, highways, civil projects, roadways, traffic signals, ADA, ITS, trails, bikeways, utilities, transportation, rail, airports, vertical structures, and park projects. Our team consists of some of the most practical Construction Managers and Inspectors available. KOA provides our clients with up-to-the-minute information. We are sensitive to the unique needs of the communities we serve. Our construction inspectors bring years of accrued skills in teaming with contractors to keep projects on schedule and on budget.

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Safety Implementation

Our focus on safety for all travelers is the foundation of our professional practice. It is fundamental to our educational preparation as transportation practitioners. KOA engineers, planners, construction field specialists, and project managers all take pride in our well-established reputation as Transportation Safety Experts. We don’t waste too much time on pretty pictures, flashy graphics, fancy presentations, or catchy slogans in our professional practice. We spend our time on planning and designing actual safety treatments that are implementable and constructible on the ground to promote safety for all travelers. We take Vision Zero to heart, and we conduct our whole professional practice with this ultimate goal.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) improves transportation safety and mobility and enhances productivity by integrating advanced communication technologies into vehicles and infrastructure. The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) has invested heavily in ITS which is a testament of the national recognition of this important technology-based discipline, thereby harnessing benefits in saving lives, reducing congestion, and making our communities more livable. By working with the private sector and the academic community, KOA is fostering innovation, encouraging deployment, and witnessing the success of ITS technologies throughout the country.

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Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP) & Systemic Safety Analysis Report Program (SSARP)

LRSPs/SSARs require a data-driven quantitative analysis of “big data,” at which KOA’s knowledgeable in-house GIS team excels. Our team of experienced engineers leads project collision and safety analysis, countermeasure selection, and development of constructible concept designs and cost estimates. Our clients can be confident that KOA will deliver a successful Local Road Safety Plan suited to their agency needs.

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Grant Writing & Management

KOA is well-versed in the procedures and requirements of preparing grant applications, especially for Active Transportation projects (ATP). KOA has prepared nearly 20 winning grant applications for Southern California cities.  KOA provides the necessary planning level analyses, maps, and exhibits needed to develop compelling narratives for each grant application.  As part of our services, we prepare engineering plans and detailed cost estimates that are important for securing funding.  Our submittals have a 74% success rate for grants and an 88% success rate for ATP applications. Through KOA’s efforts, our clients have collectively won more than $25 million dollars for their respective projects.

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