KOA produced conceptual geometrical layouts for Rosemead Boulevard from Callita Street near the northern City boundary to the railroad grade separation at the southern City boundary, approximately 2 miles. The plan identified locations for proposed curb lines, bulb-outs, center raised medians and verified the feasibility of providing adequate lane widths, transitions, and on-street parking lanes. KOA also conducted traffic impact and parking analyses for the project. KOA worked with the City to define two project design alternatives, and produced final design plans. The final design plans included preparation of signing & striping plans and traffic signal modifications plans to accommodate the proposed bulb-outs and installation of Class II bike lanes, as well as upgrade of traffic signal equipment to include count down pedestrian signal indications and push buttons to conform to MUTCD and ADA requirements. We also prepared street lighting and decorative pedestrian lighting plans along the route to enhance pedestrian safety. A unique feature of this project is the separated (buffered) bike lanes, or cycle tracks, situated between the parking lanes and sidewalks.