KOA prepared design concepts and completed an assessment of active transportation connectivity to a future multi-modal hub that would be provided with new Amtrak intercity passenger rail service in the Coachella Valley. The first part of this study provided information about current development patterns, travel characteristics, and an evaluation of travel within the city by walking, biking, and using transit and vehicle travel. This included the review of land use and zoning; determining travel characteristics related to commutes, travel within Indio, travel in the Coachella Valley, and travel within the region; describing existing bicycle, pedestrian, and vehicular traffic circulation; and identifying potential sites for a multi-modal hub in Indio that could make travel easier and more efficient. In the second part of the study, KOA identified and evaluated specific multi-modal hub locations that would enhance multi-modal traffic and circulation in the city. This included determining potential feasible sites for a passenger rail station; evaluating current public transit services in Indio, provided by Sunline Transit Agency and Greyhound; identifying needed services to be provided at the multi-modal hub; and identifying needed bicycle, pedestrian, ride hailing, and transit improvements to support the functioning of the multi-modal hub. The third phase involved the selection of the most appropriate site for a transportation facility and the development of a conceptual multi-modal site and rail platform design that demonstrated how an accessible multi-modal transportation center in Indio would function.