KOA has provided Traffic Engineering On-Call Services to LA County since 2002, which has included work on several LACDPW Traffic Signal Synchronization Projects. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Works is administering a LACMTA grant-funded program to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion on numerous arterial streets throughout the County of Los Angeles, as part of their Countywide Traffic Improvement Program KOA prepared signal improvement recommendation reports and traffic signal modification plans to upgrade and synchronize 35 traffic signals on Beverly Boulevard between Pomona Boulevard and Pickering Avenue, a project length of approximately 7.5 miles involving multiple jurisdictions, including the Cities of Whittier, Pico Rivera, and Montebello, in the County of Los Angeles. KOA’s reports were prepared to utilize the limited funding resources with effective improvements on signal synchronization and pedestrian safety. Preparation of the plans involved extensive and thorough field reviews, preparation of accurate base drawings, and designs to satisfy the synchronization program guidelines and the County’s and Cities’ design standards. Improvements included controller and cabinet upgrades, traffic signal equipment upgrades, vehicle detection, GPS time-based units, median nose modifications, pedestrian access ramps, crosswalks, striping, and roadway signage.