A traffic calming program with guidelines and toolboxes benefits the City in order to promote safety, reduce speeding and cut through traffic, change driver behaviors, and create a better environment for walking and biking. A traffic calming manual provides community leaders, City staff, and residents with a clear and distinct program, policy, and path to implement acceptable traffic calming measures throughout the City. The ultimate goal of the neighborhood traffic calming program is to give local residents, businesses, commuters, students, and others a safer, healthier, and more convenient and comfortable community environment. KOA is providing our services as an extension of City staff to provide expertise to develop and implement the City of Anaheim’s traffic calming program. KOA is providing services which includes: assisting the implementation and updating of the current Neighborhood Traffic Management Program, assisting in managing citizen complaint cases by monitoring and documenting the process, identifying and evaluating traffic calming problems/treatment locations, conducting field review and data collection, providing recommendations and concept alternatives, preparing design plans, cost estimates, and specifications, organizing/participating in meetings, and assisting permit parking processes.