The Kern Council of Governments (Kern COG) commissioned KOA to create a Goods Movement Strategy for the Kern County area. The objective of the Strategy was to use data from previous corridor truck studies and Kern COG, Caltrans, and other data sources to rank future capital improvements that will assist flows on major truck routes, and also to provide input to the larger San Joaquin Valley goods movement strategy. The project team met with a group of trucking fleet managers, to discuss existing and future traffic conditions, current planned area improvements, and priority improvements desired by the group. Data analysis included the mapping of vehicle and truck volume growth, truck-related accidents, existing and future buildout year anticipated level of service, locations of trucking terminals and truck stops, stakeholder-desired projects, and proposed improvement projects. Also incorporated was information from County mobility plans, the The Thomas Roads Improvement Program (TRIP), and Caltrans Route Concept Reports. The analysis determined the impact of planned transportation projects in the region on goods movement. Information gained from this study will be used by Kern COG to inform project development activities and to inform other future planning efforts in the region.