For over 25 years, KOA has provided transportation planning and traffic engineering services to the University of California, Los Angeles, including the preparation of a comprehensive analysis of the transportation impacts of a 15-year development plan utilizing a specially developed computerized transportation model. We recently prepared a transportation impact analysis for a proposed amendment to UCLA’s Long Range Development Plan, which would allocate an additional 1,500,000 gross square feet of new development in various campus zones to address student housing needs. Our analysis assessed the potential impacts of the proposed project on the surrounding roadway system and was prepared in accordance with the assumptions, methodology, and procedures outlined by the City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation. Operating conditions were analyzed at 17 study intersections, and trip generation estimates were developed accounting for both student and faculty/staff travel. We coordinated with the University and the environmental consultant, as appropriate, and assisted with incorporating our analysis into and responding to traffic-related comments on the project EIR.