The Town of Apple Valley Safe Routes to School Master Plan is a planning document that seeks to increase the number of Apple Valley students using active transportation to and from school through providing safer and more accessible bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The completed Plan provides 43 recommendations for an estimated $22 million in infrastructure improvements covering 10 schools. KOA staff evaluated the conditions of pedestrian and bicycle facilities at each school through field observations and conducted outreach at each of the schools by completing walk audits. Over 10,000 flyers were distributed as part of engagement efforts. Teachers aided in the collection of student tallies and parent surveys to document the travel behavior of students. Implementation strategies are included in the plan such as the inclusion of project prioritization and tools to secure project funding, which has already helped the Town secure more than $3 million from an ATP Cycle 3 Augmentation grant. The project is the first of its kind for the Town of Apple Valley to be funded through Caltrans’ Sustainable Planning Grant.