KOA prepared a successful $1.2 million grant application for the Caltrans Active Transportation Program (ATP) for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works within the Whittier Narrows Recreational Area in the San Gabriel Valley. The application proposed complete streets improvements that included: cycle tracks, buffered bike lanes, sidewalks and pedestrian walkways, improved transit and pedestrian access, and ADA-compliant accessibility improvements along the entire corridor. LACDPW will use the funds to prepare preliminary designs and obtain environmental clearance for the 2.6-mile segment of Rosemead Boulevard (SR-164 and SR-19) between the cities of South El Monte and Pico Rivera. KOA conducted a comprehensive field review of existing conditions and assessed existing barriers for people on bicycles and people on foot as they traversed the corridor. KOA staff also collected existing bicycle and pedestrian data, collision information, public health conditions, and air/noise pollution issues experienced by area residents and users.