KOA performed engineering design services for the Mills Trailhead at the Whittier Greenway Trail near Lambert Road in the City of Whittier.  The trailhead site will include a 22-space parking lot, drainage and infiltration features, a rest stop for trail patrons, a drinking fountain, drought tolerant landscaping, irrigation, safety lighting, decorative security fencing, a trail extension area, and street improvements to provide connectivity and a safe path of travel from the current terminus of the Whittier Greenway Trail to the Mills Trailhead. To satisfy funding requirements, KOA completed the City’s Low Impact Development Plan (LID Plan) to properly design, construct, and maintain recommended LIDs/BMPs for the project. KOA also coordinated with CPUC, UPRR, and LA County Sanitation District for necessary permits and design parameters due to direct impact and/or connection to agency owned facilities.