KOA performed a traffic signal analysis for the Atlantic Boulevard Corridor between Hellman Avenue and Newmark Avenue and a side street intersection located at Hellman Avenue and Mall Driveway, which encompassed seven signalized intersections, over a distance of roughly 4,000 feet. The project improved the signal communication at each intersection and provided a better traffic flow along the project corridor. KOA’s scope of work included conducting a field review and inventory, the preparation of traffic improvement recommendations, traffic signal modification plans, signing and striping modification plans, and signal timing sheets. The proposed traffic improvements included wireless signal interconnect to improve the traffic signal communications, modification of signal phasing to provide better traffic movements, providing countdown pedestrian indications and accessible pedestrian signals, and the modification of the existing striping to improve pedestrian crossing and traffic movement. The signal timing was prepared with the Synchro Program to comply with both the City’s and the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD) requirements.