KOA is leading a team to improve the non-motorized transportation network by constructing regional bikeways and walkways. Bicycle and pedestrian improvements will be constructed along 4.7 contiguous miles of streets and easements in the cities of Highland and Redlands. Work will include pavement widening, curb and gutter, curb ramps, median curbs, sidewalks, pavement repairs, slurry seal, Class I and II bikeway/pedestrian paths, bicycle/pedestrian bridge, bike racks, bollards, bike signals, in-roadway bicycle detection, pedestrian heads, sharrows, enhanced crosswalks, warning beacons, roadway and bikeway signage, lighting, and speed feedback signs. Street widening and trail improvements include the incorporation of Class 1, Class II, Class III, and Class IV facilities for bicyclists and other non-motorized forms of transportation. The improvements will accommodate students attending high school in the city of Redlands and the local bicycling community. The team’s services include environmental clearance traffic engineering, utility research, surveying, hydrology, geotechnical engineering, and right-of-way analysis. KOA is providing conceptual plans and alignments; bicycle safety and awareness education; traffic calming design; street crossing designs for bicycle and pedestrian uses; and designs for incorporating ADA access.