Originally, KOA assisted with an assessment of the traffic and parking implications of a proposed Master Plan to be developed in four phases. The traffic analyses included determining existing phase trip generation and future operating conditions at fourteen study intersections. Mitigation measures were recommended for certain impacted intersections. Existing and future parking demands were analyzed utilizing two methodologies. Subsequently, we prepared an updated traffic and parking report with an analysis based on new traffic counts and an updated parking survey of the North Campus parking facilities. The existing and future conditions analysis evaluated 33 surface street intersections, 8 internal site intersections, and 10 internal site roadway segments, both without and with the project. Subsequently we provided services for the master planning effort by analyzing traffic and parking impacts associated with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs preparation of a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement and Programmatic Environmental Impact Report for the West Los Angeles Campus Master Plan. The analysis for the North and South Campuses included a total of 55 study intersections and 22 roadway segments. We also prepared a Campus Circulation Plan, with strategies for improving the efficiency and sustainability of the internal roadway network. We also conducted a parking impact analysis, transit analysis, Caltrans freeway impact analysis, construction traffic analysis, and vehicle miles traveled (VMT) analysis for the Master Plan.