KOA completed a complete streets plan focused on SRTS for the Rancho Minerva Middle School. This SRTS plan provided guidance on the priorities and actions needed to improve the infrastructure to accommodate all children walking and bicycling to school, including those with disabilities, while providing traffic safety for movements by other modes, such as transit. The City aimed to change the corridor environment and determine the best traffic calming solutions for the corridor as a result of this study. The scope of work included the following objectives: reduce vehicular speeds; provide pedestrian and bicycle facilities; improve traffic safety; improve access to schools and transit. The project included a complete multi-modal assessment and speed surveys were performed of existing conditions. Traffic, pedestrian and bicycle counts were collected. A full public involvement plan was completed including a walk audit with parents of middle school students and two public meetings. One of these meetings were held online due to health considerations. Concept design principles were supported by the community and included: providing sidewalk connection and continuity; providing bicycle facility connection and continuity; managing traffic speeds; providing sufficient separation between vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians; providing safe pedestrian crossings; improving transit stops. Each of these principles were followed to develop the design concept. KOA prepared typical sections and the corridor improvement concept consisting of four roundabouts, lane width reduction, new sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and pedestrian crossings.