KOA is conducting a field inventory of traffic signal hardware (TSH), Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) equipment, and systems at 370 signalized intersections. The inventory includes photo cataloging and on-site labeling for field identification. We are organizing and geocoding all inventoried TSH and ITS assets into a geographic information system (GIS). KOA is developing a comprehensive inventory assessment and Traffic Signal Asset Master Plan (TSAMP) Report. The elements addressed in the report cover life-cycle analysis; the identification of high-risk intersections in need of critical infrastructure asset replacements; the identification of safety and traffic operational concerns susceptible to correction by utilizing TSH & ITS upgrades as countermeasures; a hierarchal, systematic prioritization of asset replacements while maintaining in-place operations; and an outline of immediate/short-term, medium-range, and long-range plans to replace critical traffic control devices in a phased manner.